Gainesville Clean Water Partnership

A core goal of the Gainesville Clean Water Partnership (GCWP) is to protect local waterways from polluted stormwater runoff. I worked with our team at Uppercase to create a beautiful display board for the GCWP to table special events. In the section listing items that cause stormwater pollution, we recommended adding the behavioral ask that residents bring these items to the Hazardous Waste Collection Center (HWCC) for proper disposal, thereby incorporating a core mission of the HWCC in a partner agency’s outreach materials.

These values are reflected throughout the website where I took the reigns on building over one hundred pages of in the Adobe Muse application in my first year at Uppercase. With the ever-changing living nature of the web, the site has since required a modern change in platform, and I built a new version of the site entirely in WordPress for added accessibility and ADA-compliance that is set to go live in the coming fiscal year. The new site also features an embedded GIS map with added interactive functionality that allows visitors to learn about their local creeks and waterways and the wildlife that resides there.




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